Instructions for using the "Everyday list" android app

-On the first page of the application, we choose the method by which we will enter the application.

We can choose between:

-Google sign in

-Email-password sign in

-Anonymous sign in

-If we choose one of the first two methods, we have the possibility, if we log in from other phones on which we have installed the application, with the same account and share the product lists and the products to buy. Lists and products will automatically sync across all phones signed in with the same account.

-After we enter the application, the sub-application options "Shopping list" and "Weekly schedule of obligations-activities" appear.

Shopping List Sub-App

-By entering the "Shopping List" sub-application we have the possibility to create shopping categories. By pressing the white button at the bottom right we can create a new category. Then by long clicking on the new category, we have the possibility to rename it, for example "Food" or more specifically "Meat". We can also if we want to delete the category. In the same way we can create other categories. (e.g. "Jumbo Shopping", or "Village Shopping")

-By clicking on a category, we are navigating to the following screen where we can enter products of that category for purchase. The input is done with the field at the bottom of the screen.

-If we click on a product, it becomes dim (purchased). This way we have control over what we have already bought, and what remains to be bought. By long clicking on the product, we have the possibility to delete it.

-Going to the settings, we have the possibility to choose product import by voice command instead of the keyboard, for even faster product import.

"Weekly to-do-activities" sub-application

-Entering the sub-application "Weekly schedule of obligations-activities" We enter the screen with the days of the week. The current day with the date is displayed in yellow.

-By entering on a certain day, e.g. Monday, we have the possibility to register our program for the current day (obligations-activities), by entering text in the bottom field. So this is how we introduce the activities. By simply clicking on the activity, and like the Shopping List sub-app, it becomes dimmed (done). By long clicking on the activity we have the possibility to delete it. Again, as in the "Shopping List" sub-application, and from the settings we have the option of entering the activity by voice command.

You can find this app at Google Play in the link below:


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